Successfully Installing Sod in 90 to 100+ Degree Weather: Tips and Costs

Installing sod during hot weather can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can achieve a lush, healthy lawn even in temperatures of 90 to 100+ degrees. Here’s how to successfully install sod, including key watering tips and cost considerations.

Understanding Sod Installation in Hot Weather

Sod installation involves placing pre-grown turf grass onto prepared soil, providing an instant lawn. Hot weather can stress new sod, so extra care is needed to ensure successful establishment.

Choosing the Right Turf Grass

Selecting the appropriate turf grass is crucial for hot climates. Consider grass varieties that are heat-tolerant and drought-resistant, such as:

  • Bermuda Grass: Excellent for sunny areas and high temperatures.
  • Zoysia Grass: Dense and resilient, making it ideal for heat and drought.
  • Fescue Grass: While better suited for cooler climates, some varieties can handle heat with proper care.

Preparing for Installation

  1. Soil Preparation: Ensure the soil is well-prepared by removing weeds, debris, and rocks. Loosen the topsoil to improve sod-root contact.
  2. Timing: Install sod early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the peak heat of the day.
  3. Moisture: Water the soil thoroughly before laying the sod to help reduce stress.

Watering Tips for Hot Weather

Proper watering is critical when installing sod in hot weather. Follow these tips to keep your sod healthy:

  1. Initial Soak: Immediately after installation, water the sod deeply to ensure the roots receive adequate moisture.
  2. Frequent Watering: For the first two weeks, water the sod 2-3 times a day, early in the morning and late in the afternoon. Ensure the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.
  3. Gradual Reduction: After the initial two weeks, gradually reduce the frequency of watering to encourage deeper root growth. Aim for watering once a day, then transition to every other day as the sod establishes.

Cost Considerations

When considering sod installation, it’s essential to understand the sod installation cost. Factors influencing the total expense include:

  • Yard Size: Larger areas require more sod, increasing the overall cost.
  • Grass Type: Different turf grasses have varying price points.
  • Labor: Professional installation adds to the cost but ensures proper placement and care.

For those looking to save, wholesale pricing starts at 10,000 square feet, providing significant savings for large projects.

Finding Sod Prices Near Me

To get the best deal on sod, search for sod prices near me. Local suppliers offer competitive rates and faster delivery. General cost estimates include:

  • Sod Pricing: $0.30 to $0.80 per square foot, depending on the grass type and quality.
  • Installation Costs: Adding $1 to $2 per square foot for professional installation.

Selecting a Reliable Sod Supplier

When searching for “lawn installation near me,” choose a reputable supplier who offers quality products and services. Quantum Sod specializes in providing premium sod solutions tailored to your specific needs.


Installing sod in 90 to 100+ degree weather is challenging but achievable with the right preparation and care. By selecting the appropriate turf grass and following essential watering tips, you can ensure your new lawn thrives despite the heat. For personalized sod solutions and to get a pallet of grass delivered, contact Quantum Sod today. Our experts are ready to assist with all your sod needs.

Call to Action

For a seamless sod installation experience and specific pricing inquiries, contact Susan, Romero, Xavier, Courtney, Aliyah, Jose, Victor, Guadalupe, Colton, Dalton, Sammy, or Jennifer at 918-928-2631. All sales are final due to the nature of sod products, with cash on delivery (CHECK, CASH, CARD) expected for all orders. Quotes are provided free of charge. Ensure a vibrant lawn today with Quantum Sod’s premium services.

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